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Michaelmas Term Events

We have an exciting programme of events in store over the remainder of Michaelmas term.

  • The deadline for the Researcher Development Grant falls on the 20th November at 5pm. Apply for funding to support your research here.
  • We’re hosting a Coffee Morning on Friday, 17th November at 11am, in TLC129. Come along to meet other researchers in our community! Coffee, tea, and pastries provided.
  • ‘Lunch & Learn’ with us! On the 29th November, join us for a free lunch at Hatfield College and learn about Farshad Arvin’s (Dept. of Computer Science) exciting research! Lunch will be from 12pm to 12:30pm, seminar from 12:30 to 13:30pm. Places limited, sign up here.
  • We’re hosting a Christmas social on the 13th December at 16:30pm – venue TBC!